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My Life Tee

My Life Tee

Regular price $46.60 CAD
Regular price Sale price $46.60 CAD
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Hey girl, hey! So listen, I understood the assignment on this one sis. I'm going to let you in on what needs to be a public secret for all believers. God is not supposed to be a part of your life, he is YOUR LIFE or should be. Okay I can't preach a whole sermon, if you want more understanding get connected to me sis because that is the first assignment that needs to be done in order to see your life shift. Stop trying to fit God into your daily life, he needs to become your life. You should be inhabiting the presence of God all day every day. Even when you are doing other things your spirit should be still focused and meditating on God. I need us to stop looking at God as this mystic in a genie God. He is REAL sis and he is more than a "vibe" as they like to call everything these days. He certainly is my life, my life, my life (took y'all back to that O.G. Mary J real quick, that's just how serious this is). Got it? Good 💋. 


Shirts are Unisex.

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