Hey Sis. So I woke up on the right side of the bed today. Today I decided that I am changing my name once and for all. Today I will no longer be known as slave, as bitch, as worthless, as inadequate, or any other name that doesn't properly reflect the weight of my new name. So, what is my new name you ask? My new name is HER. Well that's just my first name. My middle name is Approved and my last you ask? Well my last name is Self! Her Approved Self.
Yup that's me. I am owning my new name. My new name reflects my new nature. You see I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Well when I woke, I heard God whisper to me and tell me how beautiful I am and you know what sis, it wasn't like he hadn't said that before but today, today I finally accepted it. I received that I am beautiful. Nah I didnt say perfect, I said beautiful.
So yes I may have some flaws that I recognize and some that others recognize but that doesn't negate my beauty. God didn't just stop there, he told me I was worthy, he said I am approved by him and that I needed to accept myself, approve of myself and be HER, His first love. So today I woke up on the right side of the bed and I received the new name God gave me.
Today is the first day of my new life. Now there might be days sis where you may not always feel like you are HER APPROVED SELF but that is why you must make up in your mind today that you know who you are because on days where your feelings have you doubting you can speak to those feelings and tell them to bounce.
Sis until we meet again wake up on the right side of the bed and once and for all receive your new name, but once you do make sure you BELIEVE and know that your name has been changed and there is nothing that you could ever do to change it back! APPROVE OF HERSELF SIS!