What my mother struggled with, what my father struggled with it’s broken! It stops with me. Her, I am a Generational Curse Breaker. I dismantle darkness that tries to travel from generation to generation hanging over me interfering with the abundant life God came to give me.
I help identify strongholds and go in the spirit and break those chains off the minds off those women assigned to me so they can receive the freeing thoughts God came to give them to be empowered to manifest everything he set here in this earth for you to have. I help change their minds about who they are, I help them see the value in herself and help her run to the one who can give her true Godfidence because we know there is nothing confident about this flesh and all validation, affirmation and being confirmed and approval comes from G O D!
Please know today You have been given dominion in the earth. Now open up your powerhouse (mouth) and use your words to speak life over yourself and all things around you!